The kalonji, or Nigella seeds, is an interesting spice – when used for tempering, it adds a beautiful aroma to the dishes, and a hint of flavour that you can’t quite nail. In India, dry roasted kalonji is used for flavouring curries, dal, stir-fried vegetables, and even savouries such as samosa, papdis and kachori among others.
Health Benefits:
- Fights Acne
- Eases Joint Pain
- Aids Weight Loss
- Protects the Kidney
- Makes Teeth Stronger
- Strengthens Immunity
- Gets Rid of Headaches
- Controls Blood Pressure
- Keeps a Check on Diabetes
- Increases Memory and Alleviates Asthma
In fact, if you keep a bottle of kalonji oil at home, you can use them for plenty of things to boost your health and take care of niggling problems.
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